Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Olsen Twins/Full House/Bob Saget

I have always loved Full House. The Olsen Twins are very funny. Full house was a show with Bob Saget (who I think was very funny on this and America's Funniest Home videos even though his stand-up was horrible) that was a single father. Had help from two friends Jessie and Joey raising the 3 kids. It was funny. The Olsen Twins took turns playing Michelle.

I then went on to see other things they did such as The Adventures Of Mary Kate And Ashley and the Your're Invited series as well as their movies. I love them all.

The Wiggles

This is yet another great Children's group. They do great Australian Children's songs like Big Red Car along with Captain Feathersword. These groups are so fun I listen to them myself all the time.

Sharon Lois And Bram

This is another great Children's group. They are know for The Elephant Show on Nickelodeon. Their biggest hit is Skinimarink. Just like Raffi they are just fun to listen to.


Raffi is an amazing Children's singer. He has done great song like Down By The Bay, Bnanaphone and Baby Beluga. I still listen to his albums all of the time.

JUdy Pancoast

She is this amazing Children's Singer. Most know for the song The House on Christmas Street. SHe has a great voice and sings about things kids are really into. It is cool.

The Broadway Kids/Broadway

This is a group of kids who are between 8-14 and put on a show with songs from various Broadway shows. The are amazingly talented. I have all of their CD's. I just love Broadway music. It is just fun great music.


These guys actually have talent, write their own songs play instruments and sing good. Unlike N Synch and The Backstreet boys who just dance like morons. MMMBopy was an amazing song about leaving friends. They are just as good as today.

S Club 7

These guys were amazing. They had a great tv show as well. The did positive upbeat bubblegum pop music. I loved it. We need positive music like this agin. Not lady gaga and katy perry, eminem junk.

Amada Show/Ask Ashley

I only watched this for Ask Ashley. She would answer fan questions and then get asked a really stupid question she was start yelling the obvious Andwer. Very Funny.

Kenan And Kel/Good Burger

This show was about two kids who worked a a convent store and took off on adventures that got them into trouble. The dumb one Kel Loved Orange Soda. They also starred in a skit called Good Burger where they would work at a fast food joint and mess up the orders.

Clarissa Explains It All

A great series about a girl who explains her troubles at school and how she deals with them. And her boyfriend who always likes to climb a ladder to her bedroom window instead of using the door.

Muppet Babies

This was the Muppet's cartoon featuring the characters as babies. I love this cartoon. The nanny who never showed her face. The always had great adventures with their imaginations.

Even Stevens

This was a show about a serious sister who loved school and here annoying brother who loved to goof off and cause trouble for her. They never got along. It was funny. Later they added this kid Beans to the series who was their neighbor and was pretty much a younger version of the brother. Heannoyed both the brother and the sister. It was a funny Show.

Lizzie McGuire

This was an amazing show about a middle school girl. Lizzie and the problems her and her best friends Maranda and Gordo had getting picked on by the head of the popular girls in school Kate Saunders. At home Lizzie was always made the butt of her little Brother's, Matt's, jokes. They always fought. It was funny.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

THis series was about 4 mutated turtles who were martial arts by their rat teacher Splinter. They tried to defeat The Shredder and Demention X. It was cool. They loved Pizza and cracking jokes. Based on the original Comic book. The characters were changed used to be more serious and they added shredder's helpers a human brain named Krang and a mutated Rhino and Warthog named Bebop and Rocksteady. Man were all 3 of them stupid.

Fun House

This was a game show before Endurance hosted by JD Roth on Fox Kids. It was like Double Dare but Better.. The stunts were funnier and the Fun House obsticale Course at the end was just funny and included a giant swimming pool.

Disney's Blam!

This was a filler on Disney Channel where they would take old cartoons and a a commentary to it and when someone like Goofy would get hurt he would shout BLAM! It is funny.

Beakman's World

This was a show about a spiky-haired mad scientiest who answered viewers questions about science. Along with his asistant Phobee and he lab rat Lester (Actually a man in a rat suit) who was a total moron.

Fraggle Rock

This SHow was to bring would peace. The Fraggles had to share their cave with Gorgs who wanted to capture them when they collected radishes. They loved to sing. Uncle traveling Matt went to explore the Silly Creatures world in Outer Space (AKA the Human world). Great show.

Family Matters

Family Matters was this show about The Winslows and their neighbor Steve Urkle. He was a nerd and a cluts. He always destroyed the house when he cam over. He loved the oldest daughter Laura but she hated him.


ALF was this furry space alien from Melmac his spaceship crashed in the grage of the Tanner's house. He lived with them and they always kept him hidden so the government would not find him and expirment. He always got in trouble like trying to eat the cat. On melmac everyone ate cats. He would always ttrash the house.

Rosie O'Donnell

Rosie is so funny. She is just down to Earth and keeps it honest and real. She is not stubborn and full of herself and cares about people. Unlike Oprah who all she cares about now is money. She give things away just for ratings. It is no wonder that her channel isn't getting any views.

Press Your Luck

This was another great game show. It was where you needed to avoid all these cartoon characters called Whammies. If you lit up a Whammy on the board you lost all of your money. This was even this guy named Mike Larson who figured out the patterns of the gam board and only hit a whammy once and took about 50 turns in a row. The called him a cheater. It was funny!!!!

The Price Is Right

I love this show. I just hate that Drew Carey is ruining it. Rosie O'Donnell Should of hosted it. The games are all amazing. It is just fun to watch.


I love the play and the movie. It is such a great story. I even have mp3 files of the old radio show and books of the comic strips. It is such a meaningful story. I have even seen The Broadway play. I love the music.

Shari Lewis And Lamb Chop

I love Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop. They have had several TV series for kids that taught basic life lessons. Shari's sister Mallory is now bringing Lamb Chop back and possibly making a new TV series.


Pickles is a comic strip about an elederly couple and juokes about getting old. They are ocaisonally visited by their grandson. The al-timers jokes are pretty funny.


Curtis is a comic strip about an inner-city African-American boys and he everyday life and how he pull tricks on his parents and brother. It has good messages like him trying to get his father to stop smoking.

Punky Brewster

This was an amazing show with a lot of great messages. It was about a girl who was abaonded by her mother when she was young and and eledrly man Henry finds her and adopts her. This was was say no to drugs episode among other great messages.

Larry Groce

I usually hate country music. This guy is amazing. Larry recorded several albums for Disneyland Records as well. He is best remembered for his novelty hit Junk Food Junkie. He has some other great songs such as The Wheat Lies low. Great music.

The Annoying Orange

This is a funny cartoon made for YouTube. It is about an orange that annoys all the other food in the kitchen by calling everyone an Apple and making fun of them any way he can mainly by repeating everything they say. This really is funny. Here is the official YouTube Channel. Enjoy!!!!

Friday, November 18, 2011


Garfield is the classic Comic strip about a fat orange cat who loves Laagana and likes to sleep and beat up on his nerdy dog Odie. They live with their nerdy owner Jon Arbuckle. This cartoon is very funny. Check him out HERE

Small Wonder

Small Wonder was this 80's show about a a computer genius father who builds a robot named Vicki (Short for Voice Input Child Identicate) and tries to pass it off as a real little girl. It is really funny because of the running gag for example if you told Vicki to put a cake down she would drop it on the floor instead of putting it on the table. Being a computer you had to give it specific instructions.

You can get the first 2 seasons here do to low sales it is unlikely that Seasons 3 & 4 will ever be released.